General Rules

1. Waivers: All participants, including players, spectators, and any persons on the

property, must sign a waiver of liability before entering. This helps ensure that

everyone is informed about the risks involved and agrees to comply with the

park's safety protocols.

2. Age Requirements: Players must be at least 7 years old. Players under 18 must

have a waiver signed by a parent or guardian consenting to their participation.

3. Safety Briefing: All players must attend a safety briefing prior to their first game.

4. Equipment: Only park-approved paintball markers and paintballs may be used.

Personal equipment must be inspected and approved by park staff before use.

5. Dress Code: Players must wear appropriate clothing, including long pants,

long-sleeve shirts, and closed-toe shoes.

6. Prohibited Activities: Alcohol, drugs, and smoking are prohibited within the


Safety Rules

1. Masks On: ASTM-compliant paintball-specific masks must be worn at all times in

the playing field and target range areas. Removing the mask in these areas

results in immediate ejection from the park, with no refunds.

2. Barrel Covers: When not on the field, barrel covers must be on. Markers must be

de-gassed (where available), and the marker’s safety must be engaged in

non-playing areas. Keep your finger off the trigger when in the staging areas.

3. No Physical Contact: No physical contact is allowed between players. This

includes pushing, shoving, or any form of physical aggression.

4. No Blind Firing: Players must always look where they are shooting. Blind firing

(shooting without looking) is strictly prohibited.

5. Surrender Rule: If a player approaches an opponent from behind and is closer

than 10 feet, they must offer the opponent a chance to surrender before firing.

6. No First Strike Rounds: The use of First Strike Rounds is not allowed.

7. Field Limit: The maximum allowable velocity is 280 FPS. Players must

chronograph their markers before playing.

8. Marker Firing Mode and Rate Limit: All paintball markers must be set to

semi-automatic firing mode with a rate of fire not exceeding 10 Balls Per Second

(BPS). This limit is enforced to promote safety, fair play, and a level playing field

for all participants.

Equipment and Facility Use

1. Wristbands: Must be placed on your wrist immediately, must be visible at all

times, and shown upon request. Treat lost wristbands like lost cash;

replacements must be purchased.

2. No Throwing Paint or Vandalism: Respect park property; do not throw paint or

engage in vandalism.

3. Unattended Gear: Do not leave gear unattended. The park is not responsible for

lost or stolen items.

4. Cooking Grills: No charcoal cooking grills are allowed. Propane grills may be

used only with management approval.

5. Paint Restrictions: Only fresh, park-provided paint is permitted in rental

equipment. Do not pick up paint from the ground. Using paint from the ground or

outside paint will result in charges for any damages.

Wildlife and Environment

1. No Shooting Animals: Shooting at any wildlife is strictly prohibited.

2. Snake Sightings: If you see a snake, maintain a safe distance, keep your eyes on

it, and raise your hands while calling for a referee.

Game Play Rules

1. Start and Stop of Play: Games begin and end with a signal from a referee or staff

member. Players must stop shooting immediately when the game ends.

2. Boundaries: Players must stay within the designated play areas. Leaving the play

area during a game is grounds for elimination.

3. Hits: A hit is defined as a paintball that breaks and leaves a mark the size of a

quarter or larger. Players must call themselves out and leave the field

immediately when hit.

4. No Wiping: Players caught wiping off paint to avoid being called out will be

ejected from the game.

5. Conduct: Players are expected to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike

manner. Rudeness, foul language, and unsportsmanlike conduct are grounds for

removal from the park.

6. Alcohol and Drugs: Consumption of alcohol or drugs before or during play is

strictly prohibited and will result in immediate removal from the park.


1. Spectator Areas: Spectators must stay within designated safe areas and are not

allowed on the field during gameplay.

2. Interference: Spectators are prohibited from communicating with players or

interfering with gameplay in any way.

Emergency Procedures

1. Injuries: Report any injuries to park staff immediately.

2. Weather Policy: Play may be suspended or canceled in the event of severe


Airsoft Rules

1. Due to nearby paintball games, all Airsoft players must always wear a certified paintball mask while on the playing field. Masks are available upon request at check-in, or bring your own.

2. Before leaving the field, players must remove their magazines and turn safety on. All Airsoft weapons must have barrel-blocking devices when not in use on the field.

3. Players must keep the barrel-blocking device on the weapon until the referee tells them to remove it.

4. AEGs and gas-powered pistols must be chronoed no higher than 400fps. Airsoft guns may fire in single-shot, semi-auto, or full-auto modes. Sniper rifles must only fire single shots and cannot engage players closer than 25 yards.

5. Players cannot shoot others from less than 10 feet away. If a player is unaware of your presence, you must ask them to surrender.

6. A player is eliminated when a BB hits anywhere on their body. Hits on the gun or from ricocheting BBs DO NOT count for elimination.

7. Grenades and grenade launchers are allowed as long as they do not produce smoke or sparks. Anyone within 5 feet of where the grenade hits is eliminated.

8. Rubber bayonets may be used to eliminate players by tapping them once. Throwing bayonets or other items is not allowed.